Thursday, May 17, 2007 |
Having written a story, many a time, that's quite precious to me, I've felt a certain unwillingness to show it to certain people, or to anyone I didn't know or admire... So I wonder whether these writers would have approved of me... or maybe I'm the only one suffering from such stupid things.
Anyway, my favoutite writers include:
1. ENID BLYTON: But of course! It had to start with her. She was the one who introduced me to fairytales and English with all its intricacies. despite having, as everyone reminds me, outgrown them, I simply can't stop myself when I spot one. Their innocence and simplicity are really comforting.
2. MARGARET MITCHELL: Despite the fact that she wrote only one book, it still is one of my favourites. The many interwoven themes in Gone With The Wind are all dealt with with skill, weaving characters that are as alive as real people, and more.
3. AYN RAND: Skilled writing, intricate plannig, memorable characters, and a great philosophy- the combination makes for thought provoking books.
4. AGATHA CHRISTIE: This one is really quite obvious. The dexterity and ingeniousness with which each book is planned is all too obviois from the shock at each finel revalation.
5. WILLIAM DALRYMPLE: One of the few non-fiction authors I admire, the style of wirting and humor and knowledge that characterizes each book, make it obvious why.
6. DAN BROWN: Again, for the marvellous planning, detailed research and enriching details, and the subtle sense of humour, and overriding sense of mystery that pervades throughout the books.
7. O'HENRY: Ah, one liners and a twist in each tale. Great remarks, witty characters, and prolofic writing.
There are many more, naturally, but these are the main ones. |
posted by Clezevra @ 11:51 PM |
- Name: Clezevra
- Location: In Limbo
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