Monday, November 5, 2007
To begin with, there was Sherlock Holmes.

Ah, how that name conjures up afternoons spent marvelling at that private investigator's ingenuity, and skills and character. The nights spent dreaming of such delicious mysteries and days full of failures to apply that modus operandi to daily life. Never forgetting for a moment his creator, Conan Doyle, or his biographer, Watson.

Isn't it wonderful how a watch can reveal the entire life of a man? Or the details that the eye misses, that lie in plain sight, that no one by any chance, ever observes?

The plethora of plots, and the all pervading sense of wonder as you read it never does grow old. Sherlock Holmes is probably the greatest detective ever created, the most ingenious, and inimitable.

But the number of detectives he's inspired.

Let's come to Hercule Poirot, created by the wonderful machinations of Agatha Christie. Who hasn't read any one of his cases, and been stupefied? Only this time, the creator is better than the creation. It's her plots that bring unrestrained admiration, her intelligence that leaves you gaping. But it's Poirot's eccentricities that remove him from Holmes, his conceit in himself, his pride in his moustache, his insistence on being called Belgian not French, that make him so endearing.

But the mystery remains unsolved- how did they create such characters, mon dieu, c'est impossible!
posted by Clezevra @ 11:47 PM  
  • At November 6, 2007 at 12:49 AM, Blogger Life in a Dust Storm said…

    My favourite Sherlock is the Hound of the Basketballs.
    Red scarf happened the other day, but I added the scarf. I guess it's artistic licence.
    What was it in the previous post that struck a chord? Melancholy?

  • At November 7, 2007 at 11:59 AM, Blogger Life in a Dust Storm said…
    Is that what you wanted? You said 'forst' post, I guess you meant first.

  • At November 12, 2007 at 1:00 AM, Blogger Anushka said…

    for one of the comments where i wanted you to submit articles for Lotus Buds. I thought you were from MHS.

  • At December 14, 2007 at 7:11 AM, Blogger Doubletake, Doublethink. said…

    detectives of any kind are addictive. and papa poirot always gets my vote for the way he explains the mystery at the end, creating a dramatic little gathering and then unmasking the meanie. although holmes will always be my first love.

    and have you read the no.1 ladies detective agency series by alexander mccall smith? very lovable.

    i love the fact that your blog is mostly about books.

  • At December 23, 2007 at 1:31 AM, Blogger Life in a Dust Storm said…

    What happened to you, got tired of blogging? Hope you are ok.....

  • At December 24, 2007 at 2:50 PM, Blogger Life in a Dust Storm said…

    Didn't you say you had started posting again?
    Anyway, advice? Don't know if I am qualified to advise, but, your religious beliefs are your own, people are only religious because they have been brought up that way, indoctrinated, rarely because they made their own mind up. So be proud of your decision, you are one up on the 'sheep' who are shocked at your outrage. But I wouldn't even mention it. If it comes up, let them know! But I wouldn't broadcast it. it's personal.

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